Tuesday, September 15, 2009

This weekend

Well on Friday I helped belay on the indoor climbing wall, since it was raining outside and we couldn't do the high ropes course which is outdoors. That went quite well and afterwards Matt, Bill, and I decided to have a little fun of our own and all challenged ourselves to a little rock climbing fun!!! After lunch we all had to kick it in high gear to to some major detailing before the weekend group arrived. It seemed as though there could have been another flood since it didn't cease to stop pretty much all day. That made it interesting when Ryan and I tryed to take the trash out on the gater. You see the battery was dead so we all (Ryan, Bill, Beth and I) had to walk all the trash down and across the road to the garbage compost. Therefore, we ended up getting slightly wet. So since we were already in "cleaning mode" Beth and I (since Sarah was hostess for the TNT(teen workers) kids) cleaned the whole apartment before dinner. We got all that done before dinner and then had the evening off to chill. I believe I read from the book "everyday with Jesus" the book that explains the story and history of RVR. We have to do a book report on it and do an interview with two people that have been involved with the camp in the past/present. Let me just say that I have a passion for hating writing and sometimes reading, so this doesn't help the situation any. But I believe the Lord is working in my heart and he is gonna use the home work to help me learn more about Him. I made the commitment while on my SOLO to read the whole new testament during my year here. I know it doesn't seem like a lot of the Bible since a lot of people make the commitment to read the whole Bible in a year but for me I will take it a step at a time. This weekend has been going great except for one exception I will tell u about shortly. On Saturday all we did was detail and work on our paper about the emergent church. Once we were done with work at 5pm we get to have off till Tuesday at 8am. !!! =) That night we all chilled and played skipbo of which I didn't win =( sad day! O well. Sunday Beth and I headed to this 20 person church. It was nice, but I do not feel like God wants it to be my home Church while I'm here. Now this is the part of the day when things took a a spin for the worst. However, I'm not going to write about it because of the persons wishes. I will say though that you can be in prayer for the one girl here at the ranch that works full time. She has some broken body parts and is in the hospital. Just keep her in your prayers for a quick and full recovery! Thanks=)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

yesterdays long adventure

So yesterday was a pretty long, but awesome day! It all started with PT Thursday at 6:30am. It's basically an hour of physical activity in which we stretched, did a short jog, and played basketball and knock out. Then we had an hour to grab a bite to eat and freshen up a bit. On Thursdays, we also have an in depth Bible study. We went over theology and did an overview on what else we will be studying through the year. By now it's only 9:30am and we are all wide awake and ready to start detailing..... aka CLEANING!!! yeah that's right we like to call it detailing to make it not sound like work! =) Once we got that done, we helped set up/cleanup and eat lunch. My job in the afternoon was to help Zac facilitate the giant swing! That was fun!!! For dinner I was on dish duty with Sarah. I got the easier and less wet end of the deal that night since I was on the clean end of the dishwasher. Right after putting all those dishes away we ran to the wagon wheel (snack shop) to get a crash course (on the job training rocks!) of how they run things during snack time here at the ranch. That went really well since my only job was to make all the kids fat by making them double fried french fries!!! lol haha Then everyone went over to Doug's (aka the cook) to watch some football. However, since I don't even understand how the game works I ended up just talking to Lisa, his wife most of the time. One day I will understand and learn to love that sport, but until then I'm a lost cause. Well that about called it a night and then I went to zzzzzzzz land around 11pm ish. I'll have to update u on today tomorrow! hahah I hope not every post is from the day before. O well......

Everyone is saying it...... FALSE!!!

Our fist week part 1

This is written by Beth, during our first week here as interns. I'm a little behind on blogging, so I will cheat and copy and paste from my fellow interns blogs!!! thanks guys=) We have done so much stuff already and it has only been a week. Well, there was a massive flood here at the ranch and so a lot of our first day was cleaning up. We have been training on all the different activties and playing on them too..shhh, don't tell. =) Our boss is Matt. What an awesome man of God who is soooo chill! He is married to Michelle, who is such an awesome woman, and they are expecting their first baby in October! It's a little girl! We have also done a lot of outdoors stuff like hiking, horseback riding, climbing, and a SOLO. So I know you are wondering what a SOLO is. Basically it is 24 hours in the woods alone, just you and God with no other distractions. It was an amazing experience that challenged me and allowed me to focus on spending time with the Lord and spending time in His word. I was able to talk to God with no other distractions on my mind. It was something I needed so bad. We also were shown around town the other day. It was so much fun. We have already hit Rita's up twice. We are running outta time cause they close in October!! I can't believe how well the group gets along. It is a blessing for sure. I know there will be tough days, but I know we will work through things. =) The full-time staff here are such wonderful people. I have felt so welcome and loved from day 1! So we have already compiled a huge list of quotes and inside jokes and stories.. love it. =)
Boomstang!! (our group saying!)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Behind on the times...

Hey guys=) I figured I should start a blog in order to keep ya posted. But since I'm a week behind on what has been happening here at the ranch, I guess I'll just have to copy and paste from my fellow interns blog pages from this past week..... hahaha